

How we do Business

This part of our website tells you about how Vingino manages its social, environmental and ethical responsibilities.

We are convinced that taking a considered and responsible approach must be an integral part of our overall approach.

Quality is about more than making sure that our products meet or exceed our customers' expectations. It also means that goods have to be manufactured under fair conditions and that our consumers are aware of our approach to our policy of engagement. This is part of an essential prerequisite for Vingino's continued sustainability and growth mission. Therefore Vingino has become a member of the BSCI and the german “der Grüne Punkt” organisation.

BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) is a leading business-driven initiative supporting retailers, importers and brands to improve working conditions in supplying factories and farms worldwide. There vision and our shared goal is a world of free trade and sustainable global supply chains, in which factories and farms are compliant with national labour legislation as well as with ILO Conventions protecting workers’ rights. Der Grüne Punkt is the license symbol of a European network of industry-funded systems for recycling the packaging materials of consumer goods. The basic idea of the Green Dot is that consumers who see the logo know that we, the supplier of the product, contribute to the cost of recovery and recycling of packaging waste.

The contents below explain how we want to achieve this:

a: Our corporate standards.
This details our requirements around human rights

b: The environmental standard.
This calls for being aligned to the legislations concerning the environment, health and safety

c: Documentation our business partners must maintain.
This calls for facts and evidence in terms of overall compliance to our requirements

A: Standards

LOVE FOR DENIM BV and it’s entities (herein after referred to as Vingino require all their Vendors and Suppliers to operate their business in accordance with the following standards:

General Principle – Vingino Vendors and Suppliers shall operate in full compliance with all national and local laws, rules and regulations applicable to their business operations.

Employment Standards – With regard to the employment of any and all employees of Vingino Vendors and Suppliers shall comply with the following Standards:

  1. Forced Labor: Vingino Vendors and Suppliers shall not use forced labor, whether in the form of prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor, or otherwise. No Employee can be compelled to work through force, the threat of force or intimidation of any form.

  2. Child Labor: Vingino Vendors and Suppliers shall not employ persons who are younger than 15 years old (or 14 years old where permitted by the applicable laws), or who are younger than the age for completing compulsory education in their country of employment where such age is higher than 15.

  3. Harassment or Abuse: Vingino Vendors and Suppliers shall acknowledge that their Employees have the right to have a workplace free f rom physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse and Vendors and Suppliers shall treat Employees with respect and dignity.

  4. Discrimination: Vingino Vendors and Suppliers shall not discriminate in employment, including hiring, salary, benefits, advancement, training, disciplines, termination or retirement, on the basis of gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, political opinion, or social or ethnic origin.

  5. Right of Association and Collective Bargaining: Vingino Vendors and Suppliers shall recognize and respect the rights of Employees’ to organize and join associations of their own choosing, and to bargain collectively.

  6. Wages: Vingino Vendors and Suppliers recognize that Employees should be fully compensated for all time worked and be provided with a clear and written accounting for every pay period. Vendors and Suppliers shall pay Employees at least
    a) the minimum wage required by the applicable law or
    b) the prevailing industry wage, whichever is higher. In addition to their compensation for regular hours of work, Employees shall be compensated for overtime hours at least at the premium rate legally required by the applicable law or, in those countries where such laws do not exist, at a rate exceeding their regular hourly compensation rate.

  7. Hours of Work: Vingino Vendors and Suppliers shall not require their Employees to work on a regular basis more than sixty hours or the requirement by the applicable law, whichever is shorter per week, including overtime. Vendors and Suppliers shall allow Employees at least one day off in every seven day period on a regular basis and a paid annual leave required by the applicable law.

  8. Benefits: Vingino Vendors and Suppliers shall provide their Employees all legally mandated benefits.

  9. Health and Safety: Vingino Vendors and Suppliers shall provide a safe and healthy working environment, including, but not limited to adequate lighting, heating and ventilation systems and protection from fire, accidents, and hazardous substances. Employees shall have access at all times to sanitary facilities which are adequate and clean. When residential facilities are provided for Employees, the same standards should apply.

B: Environment

Vingino Vendors and Suppliers shall comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations and shall work towards further improving environmental conservation. Further, Vendors and Suppliers shall operate the business with consideration for environment and safety by saving resources and energy, reducing emissions, by implementing environmentally-aware purchasing, and by preventing pollution.

C: Documentation and Inspection

Vingino Vendors and Suppliers shall maintain all documents necessary to demonstrate compliance with this Policy and any applicable laws, and submit these documents to Vingino upon Vingino request. Further, Vingino shall have the right to conduct inspections or shall have the right to have Vingino designated independent monitor conduct such inspections to determine if Vendors and Suppliers comply with Vingino Standards and the applicable laws with or without prior notice by Vingino Vendors and Suppliers shall accept such inspections.